
McDonald’s and Leo Burnett present TableToGo: a limited edition packaging that turns Milan into an open-air McDonald’s during Design Week.

McDonald’s and Leo Burnett present TableToGo: a limited edition packaging that turns Milan into an open-air McDonald’s during Design Week.

Milan Design Week is a highly anticipated event that draws millions of visitors to the city each year. However, as the number of attendees has grown throughoutthe years, finding a comfortable and convenient dining solution between events has become increasingly difficult. In response to this problem, McDonald’s partnered with Leo Burnett Italia to create a new, design-savvy dining solution for the occasion: TableToGo.

TableToGo is a limited edition, design-forward and fully recyclable package that was made available to early visitors who ordered meals via the McDonald’s app. TableTo Go affixes to the city’s bollards and transforms into a table for two. This innovative and functional dining solution aims to create the biggest open-air McDonald’s ever, responding to consumers’ immediate need for freedom and comfort.

Design is at its best when it can solve problems in a simple and aesthetic way, simplifying and improving people’s lives,” says Neta Ben-Tovim, Creative Director and Head of Design for Leo Burnett Italia. “We designed and developed TableToGo guided by this ambition, and we are proud to see it in use and bringing smiles and curiosity to those who use it.


The mobile ordering experience for TableToGo was made to be as seamless as possible, with QR codes located on various city bollards. Each code was equippedwith its own bollard number and drove people to the McDonald’s app, where orders were processed and delivered in a similar fashion to ordering at a restaurant.

McDonald’s doors have always been open to everyone» says Raffaele Daloiso, Chief Marketing Officer McDonald’s Italy. «Being able to amplify our hospitalitywithin an international event of this magnitude is a great satisfaction for us. The idea of creating a special edition thanks to an innovation in our packaging, dedicated to those who love design, and making the event even more pleasant and convivial is part of our vision: to be present in new contexts where people wantbeing together, by offering them one more reason to share their moments.

Luca Ghilino, Leo Burnett Italy Creative Directori adds: «McDonald’s is one of the most iconic brands in the world. It is so because it intercepts what is culturallyrelevant to people, so as to make new connections with them. Design Week is an international event with very local spillovers; the perfect moment to create a whole new experience but in the perfect “feel good mood” of MCD. Unforgettable.»

The campaign is the latest in a series of innovative solutions developed by McDonald’s and Leo Burnett. With TableToGo, McDonald’s and Leo Burnett Italia have taken this concept a step further and created a dining solution that can be used at any large-scale outdoor event.

The launch of TableToGo reinforces McDonald’s commitment to creating feel-good moments for everyone, everywhere. It also demonstrates Leo Burnett’s brand ethos – to solve real human problems through brilliant creative and design.

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